Reach your target audience

Sponsor or exhibit at the Summit and you will have two days to interact and network with more than 500 of the people you need to reach.

We have reached the maximum number of exhibitor and sponsor tables we can accommodate.  Thank you for your interest, you can still register to attend until April 19th.



Sponsorship of the 2024 Opioid & Addiction Summit will be an opportunity for you to interact with others in the field, make new connections, and provide crucial financial support that will allow DAODAS and the Center for Excellence to continue to help those in crisis. You will receive excellent exposure during the day and a half Summit that is attended by more than 600 people each year.  Explore our sponsor opportunities today.



Exhibitors will have the opportunity to interact with more than 600 attendees during the day and a half conference.

Nonprofit and Government Agencies $400
For-profit companies $500

We have reached the maximum number of exhibitor and sponsor tables we can accommodate.  Thank you for your interest, you can still register to attend until April 19th.

**NOTE** Set-up time is Tuesday, April 30 from 6:00am-7:00am ONLY.